Visiting seri culture of kavre
we student of grade 10 went to a sericulture farm located in kopasi ,kavre. It was almost 1 and half hours bus ride from chabhil to kopasi ,kavre.We went with our science teacher Mr ramesh and principle Mr rajan acharya.
Sericultural of silk farming is the rearing of silkworm for the production of silk. Silk is know as queen of texile and biosteel because of its strength.
There are four stages of silkworm:
Adult moth
the eggs of the moth of silkworms, from which come the caterpillars whose pupal stage is passed in silk cocoons. The eggs begin to form in the ovary of the caterpillar, then complete their development in the larva. The eggs of the Chinese silkworm have an oval, somewhat flattened form.
The silkworm is the larva stage of the silk moth's life cycle. Moths lay eggs which develop into the silkworm larvae, grub or caterpillar commonly called silkworms. They eat for 20-30 days, consuming large amounts of mulberry leaves, and molt through four changes of skin or 'instars'.
Pupa is name for the third stage in the life of an insect that undergoes complete metamorphosis, i.e., develops from the egg through the larva and the pupa stages to the adult.Before entering the pupa stage the insect is an active larva, usually wormlike in form.
Adult moth:
It is the final stage of lifecycle of silkworm . Adult silkworm survives around five to 6 days . Male silk moth dies after meeting with female and female silkmoth dies after laying eggs.
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